18 Sept 2013

Sam Tsui x Kurt Hugo Schneider concert

On 15/9, my boyfriend surprised me by bringing me to watch Sam Tsui and Kurt Hugo Schneider's Concert! I was like 'oh em gee. Sam Tsui is in Hong Kong? Are you kidding me?!' And yea, I saw him! And I was super close to him :)

The concert was awesome! He sang a lot of his own songs from his new album 'Make it up' and some of his most popular covers! Here are some pictures from the night.
The ticket


Kurt and Sam <3

Sam singing!

Me and boyfriend trying to get closer to the stage
P.S. Just in case you don't know who Sam Tsui is, he is a vocalist who sings on YouTube and now on a tour in the Asia Pacific region. Below is my favourite cover from him! Enjoy :)